Co-Parenting Resolutions in Utah - DP Law Offices of David PedrazasCo-parenting can be a challenging prospect for both parents, especially following what may have been a difficult or even nasty divorce. However, ultimately parenting and its many variations should put the needs of the child or children first and foremost, which is why you might consider making a few co-parenting resolutions for the new year. If you need help preparing for these resolutions, the Law Office of David Pedrazas can help.


What Is Co-Parenting?

Co-parenting is not a legal term, but is instead a concept that describes a relationship in which two parents raise a child or children without begin romantically involved with one another. While some nontraditional relationships might choose a co-parenting model, it is most frequently applied to situations in which two parents had or adopted the child together and then broke up, separated or divorced.

Legally speaking, there are two distinct factors when it comes to co-parenting. Physical custody describes who children live with. According to Utah law, joint physical custody is where the child switches back and forth, while sole physical custody is when children spend at least 225 nights per year with one parent. Legal custody determines decision-making power for children.

In most co-parenting models, parents have joint legal custody and often physical as well. However, since co-parenting is a flexible term, this is not necessarily the case, and two individuals may be able to successfully work together to parent their children in the healthiest and most beneficial way.

Co-Parenting Resolutions to Make Right Now

To this end, it makes sense to put a few co-parenting resolutions in place for the new year. These might include:

  • Don’t Let Money Be a Deciding Factor: Sometimes one parent cannot contribute as much – or anything – to the co-parenting relationship. Don’t let this be a factor; instead, always do what’s best for the child.
  • Do Not Try to Drive a Wedge Between Children and the Other Parent: This resolution explains itself, and is crucial both for how children perceive the other parent and themselves, as well as what kind of person they perceive you to be, so always support the other parent.
  • Put Good Communication First: Good communication puts children’s needs foremost, helps both parents remember why they’re co-parenting in the first place, and keeps both update to date on changes and needs in children’s lives.
  • Put Yourself in the Other Parent’s Shoes: This resolution seems a little strange, but trying to see every discrepancy and dispute from another point of view helps you protect children’s interests and deprioritize your own needs.
  • Smile: Openly displaying to children that you and your ex hate one another is damaging to them, even if they are older. Be adults and treat one another with respect.
  • Make Joint Events a Priority: If you two cannot stand to be in the same room at a birthday party or concert, you’re sending the message to your child that your dislike of the other parent is stronger than your love of the child. Don’t do it.

Get in Touch with a Qualified Divorce Attorney Today

If you are interested in finding out more about how to co-parent in ways that best benefit your children, please get in touch with the Law Offices of David Pedrazas today. David Pedrazas is a highly-experienced attorney who has been helping individuals navigate the difficult post-divorce times for more than 20 years.

If you would like to find out more about your co-parenting options, please call us at 801-263-7078. We can help you make the informed choices that enable you to move on with your life and support your children with the love and care they deserve, so don’t hesitate to call today.

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