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Military Divorce Lawyer in Salt Lake City, Utah

Military divorce lawyer photo - Law Office of David Pedrazas Salt Lake City, UT

Divorce is a difficult process for anyone. When you add in the complications of the possibility of deployment, division of benefits, and other issues that are part of divorce when one or both spouses are members of the military, you need to secure the representation of an attorney who has helped people just like you before.

Family law attorney David Pedrazas has been helping people face the challenges that are present when military service is complicating the divorce equation. During his more than 20 years of service, he has helped many people through difficult situations. In one instance, he went through mediation via Skype with a client who was in a bunker in Iraq.

No matter what type of situation you are facing, David will work with you to help you get the best terms for your future.

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Salt Lake City Military Divorce – Frequently Asked Questions

A petitioner is required to serve a respondent with a divorce petition, summons, or other documents within 120 days from the date the petition is filed in the family court. Or, you can serve the respondent first, and then file with the court no later than 10 days from the date of service. In civil cases, military service members do have special protections against judgments of default due to nonresponse.

See the Utah Courts’ Online Court Assistance Program (OCAP), Service of Process in the Utah Code section regarding requirements for special service on people in the military and in various other kinds of “special cases.”

The critical information needed to locate a member of the military is the person’s Social Security number. If you cannot obtain the Social Security number, there are various other approaches you can try. Your military divorce attorney can help in the process of contacting your spouse.

The role of the Legal Assistance Attorney (LAA) (in the Judge Advocate General’s office) is to help military members and their families with civil matters. An LAA might be able to confirm where your husband/wife is currently stationed for duty and relay messages through your spouse’s chain of command. See the list of key contacts for all the U.S. military branches in Utah, for purposes of locating and serving military members with legal documents.

See the Utah Courts’ webpage for more details on Serving Papers under Rule of Civil Procedure (URCP) 4, or for cases already underway when papers are served, see Utah Rule of Civil Procedure 5. Also, see 50 USC 3911 for helpful legal terms and definitions relevant to military divorces.)

States have various degrees of relaxed residency requirements applicable to military divorce cases. But, generally speaking, for couples in which one or both spouses is in the military, it is not required that both spouses establish residency in the state where their divorce is filed. However, to obtain a divorce in Utah, at least one of the spouses must have resided in one county in the state for a minimum of three months that immediately precede the filing of the divorce petition.

If there is an issue regarding custody of a minor child, it is usually required that the child has resided in the state with one or both parents for a minimum of six months. However, there are potential exceptions to this requirement.

Before deciding where to file for a divorce in any state, you should be fully informed on how the division of military pensions in divorce cases are handled in that state. The Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act” (USFSPA) governs divisions of military pensions. Under this federal law, in a divorce, a military member’s state of legal residence always holds the power to divide the military pension.

In other words, if you file for a divorce anyplace other than the state in which the military member has a legal residence, the court processing your divorce might not have the necessary authority to divide your spouse’s pension. (The military member still may voluntarily consent to abide by the court’s decision on how the pension will be divided.)

Further, some states have their own laws that can impact what happens to the military pension. This is a complex topic that requires guidance from an experienced military divorce attorney in Utah, in order to avoid complications or an inappropriate outcome.

Entitlement to any portion of a military service person’s, Retirement Pay, Pension, and Health Care Benefits are all subject to stipulations in the USFSPA. This federal law specifies the criteria for a former non-military spouse to qualify for military benefits after divorce. However, Utah state law also applies and may affect court orders with regard to some benefits for non-military ex-spouses in divorce cases.

Retirement Pay: A non-military spouse may be granted a portion of his or her military ex-spouse’s retirement pay in a divorce decree to be directly issued from the U.S. Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), if the marriage was for a minimum of at least 10 years and if the military spouse was on active duty during that period.

Under Utah law, pensions and retirement pay are marital assets. In cases of shorter marriages, of less than 10 years, after divorce, the DFAS does not pay the ex-military spouse retirement payments directly. Any such payments to be paid must be made by the non-military ex-spouse directly.

TRICARE Benefits: For TRICARE, the USFSPA adheres to the federal 20/20/20 rule in determining a non-military ex-spouse’s eligibility and percentage of entitlement to those and other health benefits. This means:

  • If the ex-spouse of a military member who served for a minimum of 20 years, was married to the military member for a minimum of 20 years, with at least 20 years of the marriage and 20 years of military service overlapping, then the ex-spouse is fully eligible for TRICARE benefits.
  • If the ex-spouse’s marriage to the military member overlapped with a minimum of 15 years of the member’s military service, then the ex-spouse can receive TRICARE benefits for up to one year after divorce.

Overall, the legal process of divorce is about the same or a little longer if a military member is on active duty stationed in a remote location, or is permanently stationed abroad. Normally, a person serves divorce papers on his or her spouse, then the spouse is required to file a formal response within a certain number of days. The court then scheduled the next steps in the divorce process (such as hearings, and/or mediation, etc.). But, there are additional factors that can affect the length of time it takes to finalize a military divorce. For example,

In recognition of such potential issues for military members, the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) allows for changes in the court’s usual divorce process timeframes and deadlines, when one spouse is on active duty. The SCRA is a federal law that enables service members on active duty to request a “stay” (a delay of the court proceedings).

The law applies in cases of divorce, property division, child custody, spousal support (alimony), child support, and other matters, when duties prevent a military member from responding to or participating in, an action by the court.

The initial stay allowed is for no less than 90 days, after which the court may grant extensions. A divorce cannot be postponed indefinitely, but the stay can be granted to delay action by the court for as long as the military member’s duties impede their participation.

After a military divorce, there are various possibilities for continued military benefits:

Health Care Coverage — There are two possibilities in terms of entitlement to continued healthcare coverage for a non-military spouse divorced from a military spouse:

  • If the 20/20/20 rule, requiring an overlap of 20 years of marriage to the non-military spouse with 20 years of military service by the military spouse, has been met, then the non-military spouse is entitled to continued full benefits at no cost, for as long as the individual does not remarry. If the 20/20/20 requirement has nearly been reached, this can be an important reason to request that the court wait to finalize the divorce until after the date that the 20/20/20 rule is met.
  • The other possibility is that a former non-military spouse is not eligible for TRICARE. If the non-military ex-spouse was covered under TRICARE or TAMP on the day prior to the divorce date, there are multiple options. The individual may purchase private health care insurance, or obtain coverage through the Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP) for up to 36 months following the divorce date.

If the former non-military spouse has met the 20/20/15 rule, he or she can qualify to extend CHCBP coverage for as long as 48 months after the date of the divorce. He/she might qualify for continued long-term coverage through HCBP if a number of conditions apply. Contact the CHCBP administrator for complete details and assessment of eligibility.

Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) — The SBP pays 55% of the military member’s selected base amount to his or her beneficiary. The family court in a >Utah divorce case can require SBP coverage for the non-military ex-spouse after divorce:

  • In the divorce, the court can require SBP coverage for the non-military spouse and send the military pay center for SBP a copy of the court order for the divorce along with the necessary form to enter a “deemed election.” An order from the court for “former spouse coverage” is required. The deadline for making a “deemed election” of this kind is one year from the date of the court’s order for SBP coverage or from the date of divorce decree granting this coverage.
  • The SBP benefits are discontinued if the ex non-military spouse gets remarried prior to reaching age 55. However, the coverage is reinstated if the new marriage ends in divorce, annulment, or death.

Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) — Military service members who have elected to contribute to a Thrift Savings Plan during the period of their active service build retirement savings account similar to a 401K or IRA. The TSP savings may be divided between the spouses in a divorce. Or, the TSP account can be granted to one of the parties in exchange for another asset as part of the division of property.

There is not a Federal law entitling the former spouse of a person in the military services to any percentage of the military member’s retirement pay. A former spouse can, however, be awarded a portion of the military ex-spouse’s retirement pay through a State court order. The USFSPA, Title 10 allows State courts to divide a service member’s retirement pay in a divorce.

The USFSPA stipulates that a non-military spouse must be married for a minimum of 10 years to the military member, who must have been on active duty in that period, in order to be entitled to have a percentage of their former spouse’s retirement pay paid directly from the DFAS.

The distinction is that when a non-military spouse was married to the military member for a period of less than 10 years, any disbursements of retirement pay to the non-military ex-spouse would be made by the military ex-spouse. Such payments would not come directly from the DFAS.

Base privileges, including commissary use, theater privileges, exchange, etc. are determined by whether or not the former marriage met the 20/20/20 rule for entitlement to these uses of military resources:

  • The marriage to the military member was for no less than 20 years.
  • The military ex-spouse was in the military for no less than 20 years.
  • The periods of marriage and the military service overlapped for at least 20 years.

If an ex non-military spouse’s situation meets all three of the above criteria, he or she is entitled to full base privileges for as long as he/she does not become remarried.

Divorces in which one or both spouses are in the military are inherently more complicated than a typical civilian divorce. There are matters of property division, health insurance benefits, base privileges, possibly child custody and support, and other concerns that are added to the usual issues in a divorce process.

When one spouse is on active duty deployed to a remote location, all the parts of the divorce process become more complicated. From service of legal documents and response times to resolving child custody questions, and many other pressing legal matters, a military divorce is fraught with unique processing circumstances.

It is necessary to work with an experienced Utah military divorce attorney who knows all facets of the special processes and unique considerations involved in a military divorce in Utah. A knowledgeable Salt Lake City military divorce lawyer will help ensure that all your rights are protected and that you get everything that you are legally entitled to receive in your divorce.

For various reasons, people may want to postpone or avoid divorce are often to delay or prevent the financial losses that come with divorce for many couples who no longer want to be married. Other reasons sometimes include a sense of moral responsibility or religious imperative that may disallow divorce as an option. In such cases, a legal separation may be a preferable temporary alternative to filing for divorce.


  • Health Insurance Benefits — You can continue getting health insurance benefits under your spouse’s employer group plan, if you prefer it due to its coverage options.Tax Filing Benefits — There are numerous benefits of filing income taxes jointly as a married couple, vs. filing a return as a single person. A legal separation allows you to stay married for these tax filing purposes.
  • Military Benefits — Remaining married entitles you to continue TRICARE and your military benefits as the spouse of a service person, including health insurance, death benefits, base privileges, etc.
  • Social Security Benefits — If you are married for a minimum of 10 years, when you reach retirement age you will probably qualify for social security benefits that are based on your ex-spouse’s income.

Keep in mind that in some states, legal separation is mandatory prior to divorce. Others don’t require it, but they legally recognize it. Yet others do not acknowledge a legal separation.


  • A continuing need for cooperation with your ex-spouse remains, although minimal, to communicate through mail about changes in insurance carriers or policies, tax filing information, etc.
  • As the legal separation remains in force, you do not have the freedom to remarry.

Although you do not have to forfeit your parental right to be considered by the court to be awarded child custody in a divorce, being deployed can present practical issues. In your military divorce, you will need to work with your spouse to develop a family care plan, and make sure you are clear on your rights under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), including the possibility of delaying legal proceedings to decide child custody until after you return from your service in a foreign location.

For nearly two decades, the divorce rate for members of the military has remained around 3.5% for enlisted people and around 1.7% for officers. Some statistical representations for particular segments of the military show that divorce rates for women are significantly higher than for men. But, in the overall numbers, the differences in military divorce rates based on gender do not appear to be significant factors. (2020)

To obtain a divorce, the first step is to file a petition for divorce with the family court in Utah. Then, you must have your spouse served with the petition, or a summons to appear in court, or another form of acceptable documentation for the purpose of notifying him or her.

The document must be served within 120 days of the date that you filed the petition with the court. Or, you may have your spouse served first, and must file afterward with the court within 10 days. In divorces and other civil cases, military members have the benefit of special legal protections preventing court judgments against them for default by failure to provide timely response.

The Social Security number is the information needed for locating someone in the military. But, there are various other approaches. The military branches offer assistance in civil matters from their Legal Assistance Attorneys (LAAs), for military service members and their families. An LAA may be able to locate your spouse and convey messages through the chain of command. See additional resources for obtaining a military divorce in Utah.

Military service members on active duty have special protection under the law from judgements of default due to failure to respond to a petition for divorce while they are deployed. Further, the active military member must be served directly in person in order for a state court to have legal jurisdiction in the divorce case.

The amount of child support ordered by the court is based on both parents’ incomes. Under Utah law, courts are normally prohibited from ordering child support that exceeds between 50-60 percent of the military service member’s pay and allowances. The amount awarded to the recipient depends upon variables in the payor’s other child support obligations, and possibly other factors that may be considered. If there are payments in arrearage, the maximum can be set up to 65 percent. (2011)

This is the same limit applied in civilian child support cases in the state of Utah. Use the Utah Child Support Calculator to help you get a preliminary sense of the general process used to determine the child support amount that may apply in your divorce case.

In the divorce case of a military officer, the judge considers that your qualifying income is not necessarily equal to the amount you must report for federal income tax purposes.

Federal laws governing military members do not include guidelines regarding amounts of alimony awards in Utah divorce cases. The amount of alimony awarded by the court in a military divorce is based on the same criteria for determining the amount in civilian divorce cases, which is calculated based on a number of financial and other factors involving the recipient and the payer.

Considerations by the court can include the number of years of the marriage, both spouse’s income capacity, various facts of the history of the marriage, among others questions. The total amount of alimony that can be ordered by the court normally cannot exceed 60 percent of a military service person’s pay. If there are payments in arrearage, the maximum can be set up to 65 percent.

Some of the things the non-military spouse of a military member may be entitled to in a divorce can include:

  • Alimony: As in a non-military divorce, a spouse in need of support to stay financially afloat after a divorce and the loss of the former spouse’s household income may be awarded alimony by the court.
  • Child Support: As in a non-military divorce, if one parent is awarded physical custody of the couple’s child(ren), the noncustodial parent will be required by the court to pay child support. Children can also remain covered by the Tricare military health insurance program until age 23.
  • Commissary Access: The 20/20/20 rule permits the divorced spouse of a military service member to continue enjoying full access to base commissaries, exchanges, and possibly other facilities, if the marriage, the term of military service, and the required years of overlap meet the rule.
  • Base Privileges: Other base privileges in addition to commissary access may stay in effect until the ex-spouse remarries.
  • Tricare: After a divorce is finalized, under the 20/20/15 rule, the nonmilitary ex-spouse receives 12 more months of Tricare health insurance benefits. That rule is the same as 20/20/20 but with just a required 15-year overlap of military service with the period of the marriage. In some cases, the ex-spouse can receive an additional 36 months of Tricare coverage.
  • Retirement Pension: After 20 years of marriage to a military member, you earn a retirement package, but this matter can become complicated during a divorce. After 10 years of marriage, the ex-spouse might receive 50% of the benefits.

One of the spouses must reside in Utah for at least six continuous months to meet the state’s residency requirement to file for divorce. Living at a military base qualifies as residency. But, if the military spouse has been deployed elsewhere during that time, the civilian spouse can meet the legal residency requirement if he or she has continuously lived in the state for six months. One party must file a petition for divorce or a complaint for divorce with the court and serve a copy of the divorce petition or complaint to the other party within the required timeframe.

Depending on the number of years of the marriage, the ex-military spouse may be entitled to alimony, child support, continued full access to base commissaries, Tricare health care coverage (children are covered under the program up to age 23), and part of a military retirement package, depending upon the decision of the court, a share of marital assets, and possibly other financial awards granted by the court.

The ex-spouse of a military member may keep using the military ID card if she or he meets the 20/20/20 rule. The ex-spouse is further entitled to a year of Tricare medical benefits if he/she meets the 20/20/15 rule. The ex may also potentially receive or be required to pay alimony and/or child support. Further, she/he may be entitled to 50% of the military member’s retirement pension, or possibly a settlement if the divorce was due to domestic abuse that disqualified the service member from receiving a pension. The division of assets, including the portions of the pension, is determined by Utah state law.

Under the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act (USFSPA), the pension percentage awarded in a divorce division of marital property is a maximum of 50% of the military member’s disposable retirement income. But, the maximum can be raised to as much as 75% if there is court-ordered child support and/or alimony. An experienced attorney for military divorce in Utah can help ensure your rights are protected and help you obtain the most favorable outcome of this.

There are different time lengths to qualify for different benefits for non-military ex-spouses. For example, the ex also may receive retirement benefits and retain access to military health care known as Tricare beyond the standard 1-year continuance after marriage termination.

To qualify for the retirement benefits, you must be married for 20 years, your spouse must have been in the military for 20 years, and there must have been at least a 20-year overlap between the military service period and the marriage period. For the Tricare benefits, the required overlap is only 15 years. Children of military parents can remain covered under
Tricare until age 23.

Your military divorce attorney will help you obtain the best possible outcome from the court in all of these financial areas of your divorce.

The U.S. government pays military service members the Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH). The BAH is not paid to their spouses. After a divorce is finalized, the ex-spouse who is not serving in the military will not be eligible to receive BAH payments. But, if the non-military ex-spouse is awarded child support in the divorce, it may be partly funded by BAH.

Divorce is difficult for most couples, and in cases involving military members, there are additional challenges, such as deployment and custody issues, healthcare retention, and possibly others. So, in a military divorce, you need an experienced Salt Lake City military divorce lawyer to guide you through the process in the court system, protect all your rights, and work to help ensure you are awarded every dollar you’re entitled to receive under Utah law.

You may face criminal charges of adultery if you date anyone other than your spouse while you are a military member. Even if you are legally separated or your divorce is pending finalization, under military law (UCMJ), you are not free to date someone else until the divorce decree, or court order is issued finalizing the divorce.

Military divorce attorney photo - Law Office of David Pedrazas Salt Lake City, UT

Experienced Family Law Representation Dedicated To Protecting Your Rights And Best Interests

At the Law Office of David Pedrazas, PLLC, divorce attorney David Pedrazas understands the unique challenges that military couples face when divorce is becoming a reality. He can help you overcome the complications that are presented by aspects of military service such as:

  • Preservation of benefits such as retirement and TRICARE
  • Child custody issues and how they are impacted by deployment
  • Child support

Military Divorce Attorney Salt Lake City, UT

When you are facing divorce and you or your spouse is a member of the military, having an experienced attorney as your guide can be the best step you can take toward making sure that you are able to effectively pursue the resolution you need. Call the Law Office of David Pedrazas at 801-263-7078 or contact online to Schedule a Military Divorce Case Review in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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What Our Clients in Salt Lake City are Saying

I first had the pleasure to work with David about 10 yrs ago with my divorce. Everything went smoothly with me getting full custody of my children and child support. Fast forward to about a year ago I contacted David once more to help me with arrears. After a couple bumps in the litigation and David doing an awesome job we won and I got everything I asked for. I can’t thank you enough David for fighting for me and helping me close that chapter in my life! Good always prevails!!
elizabeth guerrero
elizabeth guerrero
17:48 09 May 23
Mr. Pedrazas is a professional and he knows what he is doing. He helped my partner with custody of his daughter. It was a long, sad, brutal trial but David was so incredible and we had the most amazing outcome. He is very dedicated to his work. He is upfront and honest. He was the best decision we ever made.
Ashlee Cravens
Ashlee Cravens
01:18 09 May 23
You will not be disappointed.
Lauren Collins
Lauren Collins
16:25 02 Apr 23
David helped my friend through an impossible situation. He cares, and he does an amazing job. He is not your typical attorney.
Willis A. Mower
Willis A. Mower
19:54 03 Jan 23
Gave good advice and talked to me without charging me a retainer fee
Katherine Heiner
Katherine Heiner
10:50 05 Oct 22
Hiring David for my divorce case was the best move I made in the whole process. I wish I would have hired him from the beginning.Early on in my case (before hiring David) we went before a judge to get temporary orders. Unfortunately the judge gave my ex full custody and ordered me to pay an extreme amount in child support and alimony. I was always a very involved father and had done so much to support, provide, and be there for the family. In a matter of minutes it was all stripped away! I felt very alone, hurt, and lost.There was no reason or past history that would justify taking the time with the kids alway.My ex and her attorney had gotten everything they wanted and more. Even though these were temporary orders it emboldened the other party and now they expected the final decree to pretty well match the temporary orders. I felt the odds where against me. I live in a small rural town, had temporary orders all in her favor, and I was the man in the case.I knew I needed a different attorney to get time with my kids. So I searched for the top rated family attorneys in Utah.David Pedrazas kept coming up on my searches as one of the top 3 attorneys in the state. At first I was worried to reach out to him, I feared he wouldn’t want to help me since I lived in a rural town hours away from the Wasatch Front. I also worried there was no way I could afford such a great attorney. Luckily I reached out to him! He was quick to respond and we set up an appointment to discuss my case. After meeting David I knew I needed his help to get my time with the kids back. David’s retainer was manageable, and well worth the price to fight for my kids.Fortunately, we were able to settle the case in mediation. I have no doubt that it was David’s experience, knowledge, and skills that made this possible. He knew exactly what to say and when during mediation. At one point things weren’t looking too promising in mediation, and David took control of the situation and made it very clear what we wanted and expected. He came up with some great ideas and offers to give to the other party. During the process I felt I needed to trust David and his methods and suggestions! Boy am I glad I did!!!! I trusted his advice and followed it. The next thing I knew my ex had settled with us giving me 50/50 physical custody, and setting child support at an amount that would work for everyone!I definitely recommend David Pedrazas as a family attorney! He actually gets back to you, keeps you updated, and knows when to fight for what is right!!!!I recommend him to all my family and friends if they need an attorney, and would not hesitate to hire him again!!!!Thank you David!!!!
Richard Wallis
Richard Wallis
00:48 29 Mar 22
First time hiring an attorney - I chose David because of the other great reviews he has. All true. Great experience from start to finish. I paid the retainer and then he gave me free, responsive, useful legal counsel on multiple occasions. If I require assistance in the future I will be going back here. (FYI his office looks different than the picture that looks like a house)
Bill McDoy
Bill McDoy
16:01 24 Sep 21
I live in Georgia, my now ex-wife left the state with our four children and moved to Utah. She made false allegations of domestic violence to justify her reason for leaving and would not let me see or even talk to our children. I had no idea where she went and by the time I was able to locate them Utah had jurisdiction.I researched many lawyers in Utah. It was kinda scary to hire and pay a lawyer over the phone without meeting in person. I really wanted to get the best possible lawyer because my children were at stake and they asked me to please try and get custody.When I came across David I really felt like I had the right lawyer. I read all the reviews and they felt sincere, now I definitely know they were.David is a Great lawyer, the best I’ve ever dealt with! David is on top of his game and will not hold back! David is an exceptional trial lawyer, he is aggressive just like you want and really knows his stuff!David was always really easy to get in touch with and would call you back the same day if he was busy. I felt really confident through the whole experience with him on my side. I knew I made the right choice by hiring him.David is very thorough and suggested a GAL with turned out to be really helpful. David stayed committed to the case the whole time!I started the process with no contact or even phone call’s with my children. During the process David got me phone call’s, then visits.The outcome was amazing! I am still in shock of how great it turned out! After the accusations and the kid’s being gone almost two years David got me sole physical custody! The court ordered for the kid’s to come home to Georgia from Utah! He even got the court to order my now ex-wife pay child support.The court pretty much ordered exactly what David asked for. I definitely feel like I got the best possible outcome by far and the best possible lawyer! I feel truly blessed I had David as my attorney and would highly recommend him to anyone!I cannot express my gratitude enough! Thank you so much for helping my family David!
Mason Martin
Mason Martin
01:13 26 Jun 21
I have never reviewed anybody or any business before but what David has done for me I felt the need to share my experience. He took care of everything to do with my case and made a horrible situation with child custody seem bearable and under control. I recommend David to anyone that needs an attorney with a back bone and doesn’t play games.
alex bergman
alex bergman
18:39 24 Jun 21
David is far the best custody lawer in utah.I never would have got custody of my child if I hadn’t hired him.He is very aggressive and he knows the laws.He is very responsive and always calls you back quick. He answers all your question and is very good at explaining to you what’s going on and what your options are I want to thank you David for all you have done for me and my child you sir are a rock star.
Clinton Beverleigh
Clinton Beverleigh
00:09 05 Jun 21
Pedrazas represented me in a very tough divorce case that involved assets, property and custody. I could not be happier with the level of professionalism, the compassion, and straight forward advice. He went above and beyond for me and without getting into specifics got me EVERYTHING that I wanted in our case. There are attorneys out there that will bleed you dry ... this is not DP. Don't be fooled by the calm demeanor ... I saw one of the most intelligent and powerful negotiations I have ever seen by him in our mediation. Thanks DP. If you find yourself in need of a family lawyer I can say that he is by far the best I have worked with.
William Pipes
William Pipes
20:17 15 Apr 21
Our family needed custody advice and representation. David Pedrazas was knowledgeable, professional, candid, and a true advocate! You can trust that your case will be handled with attention to detail and compassion. You truly are getting the best in the family law business with David!!
Crystal Flynn
Crystal Flynn
17:56 05 Mar 21
David is very knowledgeable and experienced. After dealing with a lawyer that did nothing and charged plenty for it, David was a relief! He got the case moving in a productive direction and provided realistic insight and expectations. He communicated with the other lawyer, set up mediation, advised me during the mediation and followed through with finalizing the divorce modification paperwork. Of course, both sides had to compromise, but we resolved many problems and the outcome was an improvement.David didn't nickel and dime me for every email I sent - which was amazing! It's hard to work with a lawyer knowing every request for direction is going to cost you $100. David was not like that at all! It felt like he was NOT focused on my money. Thank you for that!To date, I've dealt with more family law attorneys than I prefer, but David is the one I can recommend the most. He's honest, reliable, will let you know what's reasonable and responds quickly.I agree with everybody else on here. Use David. He's earned this spectacular rating.
Hugo Jones
Hugo Jones
20:09 04 Mar 21
David handled my lengthy divorce great. I was very worried when learning of who my, now ex-spouse, obtained for his attorney. (You know, the one everyone hires to screw over their spouse in divorce). David wasn't afraid to go to bat for me. He handled my drawn out divorce (made extra long with COVID happening), and I was satisfied with the outcome. Even though divorce is never fun, I highly recommend him.
Ashley Jones
Ashley Jones
20:41 04 Dec 20
Both pre Covid-19 and present Covid-19, David has shown me what a stellar attorney he is. One of his best qualities to me as someone looking for litigation is his responsiveness. He gets back to you extremely quickly, and will give you the time of day. He will get things done. Be like David and don't wait! Get in touch with him.
Cody Martin
Cody Martin
14:23 30 Oct 20
When working with David, he was very genuine in our conversation. He cares about his clients and wants the best for them. I would recommend and have already recommend David when it comes to family law matters.
Eric Roddom
Eric Roddom
20:49 28 Sep 20
From the first time I spoke with David he was super helpful and responsive. I transitioned over to him after dealing with a lawyer that was slow and constantly giving me the run around. He made the process quick and easy for me, so much so that one day, he emailed me and said I was divorced and I did not believe him.
Renee Lubavs
Renee Lubavs
14:47 04 Aug 20
David is amazing and I especially recommend him for anything that feels IMPOSSIBLE! He takes impossibility as a challenge to make things possible.David is highly experienced and I’ve referred him to many family and friends. He is more than fair, even GENEROUS, with his fees and is flexible with retainer payments to accommodate those unplanned and emergent situations.David knows the “ins and outs” of Family Law and is an incredible negotiator! He thinks outside the box and holds his clients’ interests in high regard. Lower your stress and anxiety...give him a call now! You’ll be glad you did.
Cassie Lambert
Cassie Lambert
17:18 16 Jul 20
At first i had my doubts with my full custody case i took to Mr. Pedrazas. But he was an honest person who gave me the answers of not what i want to hear but what could happen if i don’t provide the right evidence to fight for my kids full custody. Most of the time we expect things to go our way but with the knowledge Mr. Pedrazas have about the law makes him the right person to be on your side legally. And because of him my kids are now safe with me and now have full custody! Thank you Mr. Pedrazas
Muese Sione
Muese Sione
21:05 06 Jul 20
You will get straightforward information about the law. Very professional and returned my call quickly.
Brandi O
Brandi O
11:41 20 May 20
So happy with the work David did for my custody case! Would recommend! 100%
Chinita Kimm
Chinita Kimm
00:25 09 May 20
David helped me with my divorce a couple years ago. Very quick and painless process with his help. From the initial consultation, he was very straightforward and helped me understand the options I had so that I could make the best decision for myself. He was reasonably priced and prompt in both communication and filing. Definitely recommend him to anyone in the Salt Lake Area
Marly Davis
Marly Davis
21:00 26 Feb 20
I strongly recommend David for anyone who is dealing with extremely high conflict ex spouses. Child custody evaluations are becoming common on cases when parents dispute schedules, and they can be time consuming, confusing and expensive. David is very knowledgeable of evaluations, statutes, rules, and motions. He successfully fought to see that my ex had his entire motion dismissed completely in the last few weeks. His court demeanor and preparation is exactly what is needed when you have lengthy court procedures that aim to change parent time or custody standings. This is the attorney you need if you have any custody or divorce needs!
Tessa Kohl
Tessa Kohl
16:54 13 Feb 20
David was great to work with. I had a very long dreadful case and I'm glad i had him to represent and support me through it. He is always available, he will return your calls & emails right away, he truly takes his cases seriously and cares about his clients. Will always use him again in any legal matter and i 100%recommend him, he's the best!
Diana Herrera
Diana Herrera
19:28 09 Feb 20
David was amazing. He fought hard, worked with me, and shows that he truly cares for people. He always got back to me in a timely manner, kept me updated with everything and to this day anytime I have questions or concerns he is always there. I recommend him highly to anyone looking for an excellent, professional, Affordable and caring Attorney. He Truly fights hard and shows it in the court room. Thanks David for helping me get my kids I couldn't have asked for anyone better.
Brandon Muir
Brandon Muir
00:47 08 Feb 20
David made sure that not only did my divorce go smoothly, but that things were taken care of. He pushed to make sure I got what I wanted and what was fair. He gave great advise and always had an answer to my questions. He made sure that when it was my court date or paperwork needed to be done, that my case was the main focus. I heard about him from a friend and I’m glad that he is my lawyer!
01:18 07 Feb 20
David did an amazing job, the ex wanted to take 100% of my house and my boy and leave me with nothing. David made sure I got 50/50 on both... everything I asked for, he gave me. Thank you David.
Stuart Graham
Stuart Graham
01:11 05 Feb 20
I would strongly recommend hiring or consulting with David during any family or child law case. His experience shows in his ability to provide clear answers during what is usually a very difficult time in life. He has been established in the local area for some time and knows how to navigate the system to get desired results. In addition to frequent email communications, he was flexible with my work schedule and we met face to face multiple times after normal work hours to ensure that we were both on the same page and that we had all the necessary data to present a strong case. That was a big deal to me, and David will do that for his clients. On top of all that, he is a friendly person that is understanding of the difficult circumstances of a divorce and child custody which he puts all efforts into helping you get results. I would not hesitate to continue consulting with David if there are future needs.
Matthew Sand
Matthew Sand
18:33 18 Dec 19
As a past client of David, I highly recommend his services. He was very knowledgeable throughout the process and helped make the best outcome possible.
Josh Roberts
Josh Roberts
16:55 06 Sep 19
Mr. Pedrazas is realistic and straight forward in his advice and instruction. A very competent and insightful Attorney for any legal matter. Handles himself appropriately and professionally in the courtroom. Thank you for your work.
D Plummer
D Plummer
01:55 05 Sep 19
David was amazing I pre-paid him and he did everything very timely manner and give me very good details to protect myself I highly recommend them to everyone
merlin jacobsen
merlin jacobsen
15:18 26 Jul 19
I went to David with a custody issue that had significant time restraints and what I’m sure what not the “norm” (if there is such a thing). David did not miss a beat. Always quick to return a call or a rambling email. Highly recommend!!
Louise Myers
Louise Myers
02:25 12 Jul 19
Great source of information
Heather Latimer
Heather Latimer
03:55 11 Jul 19
Our community is well served by the award winning law firm of David Pedrazas, PLLC. This firm has won many awards for outstanding service including the “Reviewer’s Choice” award for best attorney and Avvo’s “Client Choice” award. You can trust them to represent you well.
03:04 11 Jul 19
Went in for a consultation with a close friend. So impressed with the information provided and advice they gave to help her in her situation. Not surprised by her confidence in their services.
T Mana
T Mana
01:18 11 Jul 19
David Pedrazas’ law firm has won many awards, including the “Reviewer’s Choice” for best attorney and Avvo’s “Client Choice” award. They are a positive benefit to our community.
Melanie Spendlove
Melanie Spendlove
01:00 11 Jul 19
Very professional and know what they are talking about.
Lawrie Thomas
Lawrie Thomas
00:49 11 Jul 19
I have to give kudos to Delta Airlines. I took a trip to Nashville on March 1st 2019. After a very disappointing business conference and feeling like it was a huge waste of money and my time I arrived at the terminal with time to spare. So I got lunch and ate it while waiting to board. When the time came I boarded the plane and was looking forward to just getting home when all of a sudden a flight attendant was calling out my name. My attention perked up at hearing my name and I was obviously a little confused. She came over and asked, "are you Julie Jensen?" I said yes, and she proceeds to hand me my wallet.In my bad mood and feeling the whole trip had been a huge let down I inadvertently had walked off and left my wallet sitting on the floor in the terminal. Not only did it have cash, but my passport, License, credit cards ect but it also had my layover and airfare ticket to get home. I didn't even know I had walked off and left it until she brought it to me. I can't even tell you the rush of emotions I felt all at once in the instance. I will be forever grateful that the plane did not take off before I got my wallet back and that the flight attendant was discreet when handling the situation. Thank you Delta.
Julie Jensen
Julie Jensen
00:15 11 Jul 19
Ive been told these guys are great to work with!!
Courtney LaGiglia
Courtney LaGiglia
23:28 10 Jul 19
Dave and his staff are extremely professional and I highly recommend them. I really like their comprehensive website. Lots of resources and links to assist if your going through a divorce. I can see why they got so many awards!!
James Thorp
James Thorp
22:01 10 Jul 19
I have never had to use them but have heard very good things and will call them if I ever need legal help.
James Richins
James Richins
21:45 10 Jul 19
Honest staff, trust their advice! Great company
Valerie kuehn
Valerie kuehn
21:19 10 Jul 19
I read stars very good wow & people attended u work nice, great Job & helped understand 👍😬👌❤️👏.
Julie Lein
Julie Lein
20:04 10 Jul 19
They are building an excellent reputation for quality representation.
I have not used them personally but I have heard they are fantastic!
Nicole Zimmerman
Nicole Zimmerman
19:24 10 Jul 19
Great law firm that helps out their community by providing excellent legal advice and representation!
18:49 10 Jul 19
I have never use this law office. But I've heard good things about them..
angela mielke
angela mielke
18:17 10 Jul 19
If you need a good lawyer in Utah, this is the lawyer to use! I personally haven't used this law firm, but I have heard nothing but great things!
No No
No No
18:13 10 Jul 19
He was a great help to my sister!
Jessica Nelson
Jessica Nelson
17:43 10 Jul 19
Great business that deserves your support.
Libbie Bakker
Libbie Bakker
17:37 10 Jul 19
I have heard positive things about this firm and if ever i need legal help in the future i know exactly who to call.
Octavia Schubert
Octavia Schubert
17:32 10 Jul 19
Mercedes Lindstrom
Mercedes Lindstrom
17:17 10 Jul 19
Sarah Sargent
Sarah Sargent
16:59 10 Jul 19
I have heard good things about this law firm.
Nanette Olson
Nanette Olson
16:51 10 Jul 19
Few lawyers have a great reputation. This one deserves all the accolades!
Larisa Elder
Larisa Elder
15:56 10 Jul 19
My friend was caught up in a nasty child care battle with her ex husband. The law attorneys at David Padrazas was able to help set things right with both parties. The best thing is children are able to spend time with both parents and no hard feeling exists.
Leslie Waters
Leslie Waters
14:53 10 Jul 19
The positive reviews and awards they have won would put them in top of my list of who to call if I need legal assistance.
Janet Taylor
Janet Taylor
14:40 10 Jul 19
My sister in law have used their services and as a single lady it was intimidating. They put her at ease and made sure she understood every step.
Emily Girls
Emily Girls
14:18 10 Jul 19
A family member used them and was extremely impressed. They and I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a divorce lawyer. They get things done and done extremely well.
Pam Allison
Pam Allison
14:08 10 Jul 19
Very impressed with all the amazing things this law office does for the community
Alecia Peacock
Alecia Peacock
13:53 10 Jul 19
5 stars!!!!
Leslie Petersen
Leslie Petersen
13:51 10 Jul 19
They work well with others, and are amazing I highly recommend this place! They have great skills and really easy to work with!
Kelsey Warren
Kelsey Warren
13:43 10 Jul 19
Awesome job winning “Reviewer’s Choice” for best attorney and Avvo’s “Client Choice” award. Thanks for doing such an amazing work giving back to our community
Levis Wiggins
Levis Wiggins
13:15 10 Jul 19
They are very attentive to each and every client. They offer amazing services with one on one time with each client to really meet their needs. Everyone there is incredibly kind as well.
Kayla Bell
Kayla Bell
13:09 10 Jul 19
Great people to work with!
Shana Mortenson
Shana Mortenson
12:52 10 Jul 19
These guys are awesome they help me with so many cases you guys should check them out
Jesse Nell
Jesse Nell
11:54 10 Jul 19
A family member used them when going through a tough divorce. I would 100% recommend calling David, great firm, great people!
Heather Jeppson
Heather Jeppson
11:19 10 Jul 19
Love the integrity and values you clearly see
Stacy Stevens
Stacy Stevens
10:33 10 Jul 19
Highly recommend!!!!!
Cali Shauan
Cali Shauan
10:07 10 Jul 19

CALL US (801) 263-7078 for an Attorney Consultation in Salt Lake City, UT

No one should have to face a difficult family law situation such as divorce without experienced guidance and an effective advocate to stand up for his or her rights and best interests. Our law firm provides family law and criminal DUI legal services to anyone through the Salt Lake valley.
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