Picking The Right Child Abuse, Custody and Divorce Attorney in Utah
Did you know that domestic abuse and child custody laws can overlap? If you are thinking about getting a divorce in Utah, you need to have skilled help on your side. At the law offices of David Pedrazas, we understand that the decision to move forward from marital difficulties is hard. We know that clients may have issues such as emotional abuse and child custody that can make a divorce complicated. As one of the top ten attorneys in Salt Lake City, we have the skills our clients need even when facing complex legal and emotional issues. If you are facing child abuse and custody issues, contact the Law Office of David Pedrazas, PLLC today for a Legal Case Review.
Experienced Legal Help
Child abuse and custody issues may involve many varied problems. Moving forward from a long standing marriage with children can be very scary. Laws governing child custody vary by state. Every single person who wants to get a divorce has a unique case. When there are children involved, a divorce becomes even more complicated. Child custody arrangements need to be worked out to insure the safety and well being of all involved. If one party has engaged in abuse of any kind such as domestic abuse or child abuse, a divorce may involve multiple outside parties. From social workers to a child’s teachers and other relatives, many outsiders may be called upon to give an opinion about the process. Real legal help is crucial. Professional legal help offers the best way to get to the desired result and a legal divorce that frees the divorcee and their children to fully move on.
Informed Choices
Those who are looking for a divorce often have little idea of the specific process involved. People often have many important questions. They may wonder how long it will take to begin the process and what fees are involved. A person looking for a divorce may also wonder what documents they need to have on hand as the process continues. When there are issues such as emotional abuse, domestic abuse and child abuse, people often have even more questions. During the divorce process, they may need to answer many questions. They may also need to make many kinds of choices. This is where good information and expert advice is the best way to build a better tomorrow. Informed choices mean understanding what path is the right one for you and your family.
Long Term Consequences
Many things can go wrong during the divorce process. An abused wife may not have the documentation she needs to demonstrate an ongoing pattern of spousal abuse. A potential custodial parent may deny a long history and ongoing child abuse even when the children testify to the contrary. This is why experienced Salt Lake City legal help is a must.
Contact Salt Lake City, Utah Child Abuse Attorney in Utah for a Legal Case Review Today
As one of the top ten divorce lawyers in Salt Lake City, Utah, David Pedrazas, PLLC, is there. With his help, any person seeking a divorce in Salt Lake City has the tools they need for the best possible long term outcome. Give us a call today at 801-263-7078 today to schedule a Legal Case Review.